发布时间:2017-12-24 浏览次数:



    多年以来,学院在区域与城市发展、生态建设与环境保护、土地评价与规划、资源与环境信息系统应用和鄱阳湖研究等领域开展了科学研究与社会服务。近五年来,学院承担的各类项目100余项,经费为3000余万元,其中国家级项目30余项,经费1500万元,省部级项目30余项,经费500万元,横向项目40项,经费1000余万元。多项成果荣获国家和省级奖励,其中“鄱阳湖综合科学考察研究”获国家科技进步二等奖,“空间信息智能处理、建模和集成分析的理论与方法”获得教育部自然科学一等奖,“三峡工程对鄱阳湖区环境影响及对策研究” 获江西省科技进步一等奖,“空间信息技术支持下的生态环境研究”获江西省自然科学三等奖,“江西庭院生态经济研究与推广”、“江西京九沿线城市化研究”获江西省科技进步三等奖;“江西省农用地分等”获江西省科技进步三等奖,“江西省人口城市化进程研究”获国务院第五次人口普查国家级课题评审一等奖,“鄱阳湖区对长江洪水调蓄功能与防灾综合治理对策研究”获教育厅科技成果一等奖,“湖沼型疫区血吸虫病易感地带的空间模拟”获教育厅科技成果二等奖。先后出版了《鄱阳湖研究》、《Wetland and Water Resource Modeling and Assessment: A Watershed Perspective》、《鄱阳湖地区的综合开发与治理》、《鄱阳湖对长江洪水调蓄功能及防灾对策》和《江西地理》、《江西省自然地理志》、《江西人口》、《江西21世纪经济发展战略研究》、《江西区域经济研究与地理教育》等一批在国内外有影响的学术专著;在Remote Sensing of Environment、International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformatics、Journal of Environmental Sciences、Journal of Integrative Plant Biology、Acta Tropica、International Journal of Remote Sensing、《International of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformatics》、《中国科学(D辑)》(中英文版)、《科学通报》(中英文版)、《地理学报》(中英文版)、《遥感学报》、《经济地理》等国内外学术刊物发表学术论文数近400余篇,其中SCI/EI/ISTP三大检索论文60余篇。



  The school of geography and environment,Jiangxi Normal University is founded in July,2003.Its precursor is Department of Geography in 1958.The School offers Msc. Programs in Physical Geography,Human Geography,Cartography and Geographical Information System, Regional Economics, Geography Teaching;and three undergraduate programs: Geographical Information System, Geographical Science, Physical Geography.The overall Geography discipline is recognized as key discipline in Jiangxi Province 12th Five-Year Plan,while Geography science is recognized as provincial famous discipline in Jiangxi province.The School was approved “2011” Cooperative Innovation Center:Major Ecological Security Issues of Jiangxi Province and Monitoring Implementation.
The school hosted more than 700 full-time students ,including 600 undergraduates and 120 postgraduate students. Among the 53 faculty members in the School,41 are full time teachers, 13 are full professors, 19 are associate professors,in addition,Wang Yeqiao,is The Recruitment program of Global Experts.
The faculty members have engaged in about 100 projects in differentiated areas since 2003, including international collaboration projects, projects sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation, and those entrusted by local governments. The total research fund exceeded 30 million.
By now, the school has a strong exchange and communication with universities, academic and research institutions both domestic and abroad, which has further enhanced the educational level and academic reputation, laid a solid foundation for the subject construction and development. The Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake Wetland and Watershed was established in 2003 relying on the school. The Key Laboratory has been dedicating its efforts in the research on Poyang Lake ecosystems through various concentration including lake wetland ecological and environment health, integrated river basin management and regional development, diversity and biological resources utilization, spatial-temporal monitoring of wetland and watershed by remote sensing and spatial information modelling. The school take the key laboratory as an opportunity, take the complex systems of the Poyang Lake Basin as the research object, and closely combination with the National strategic planning of constructioning of the Poyang lake ecological economic zone. Actively developing utilization of resource and environmental evolution, natural disasters, territorial control,population and urbanization, regional development and other theory and practice researches, especially focusing on the Poyang lake ecological economic zone construction decision support services, carry out a comprehensive multi-disciplinary, multi-level and multi-dimensional research, and gradually formed research directions with a solid theoretical foundation and distinctive local characteristics, such as health and ecological security , spatial information analysis and system applications, making it become an important base for the study of Poyang Lake.